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The Australian air neutralizer brand ramps up factories across all continents

OXIRA has been supplying germicidal air neutralizers to healthcare and hospitality since 2009, long before the current pandemic. The prevalence of Influenza, Tuberculosis, Legionnaires and other harmful airborne organisms pose a genuine threat to hospitals, clinics, aged care, childcare and hospitality venues.

With over a decade of experience and supplying to more than 80 countries, this proud brand based in Melbourne is experiencing extreme demand, and is expanding its assembly plants in Australia, Singapore, India, Germany, the UK and South America.

Whilst the brand’s prominence is at an all-time high around the world, OXIRA has not forgotten its humble roots. As part of its corporate responsibility, it donates hundreds of units to facilities who need air neutralizing.

The brand also has a big emphasis on sustainability as part of its #EarthFriendly statement, utilizing only non-chemical germicidal methods and strict adherence to minimal packaging.

By being one of the pioneers in air neutralizing, OXIRA is poised to continue protecting facilities around the world for many decades to come.

Dominic Wong

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