Every month, 543,000 new businesses are incorporated in the United States. Small businesses comprise 99% of them and account for almost half of the nation’s workforce. During the pandemic, there has been a hue boon in e-commerce in which start-ups have capitalized on the trend to shop online. Worldwide, e-commerce accounts for $4.28 trillion in sales and is expected to grow to $5.4 trillion by 2022 – phenomenal growth by any measure.
B2B E-Commerce
When you hear e-commerce, you’re probably more familiar with retail businesses, or B2C. There is however, another section that addresses the B2B segment of e-commerce. B2B e-commerce is a connection between two businesses rather than a business to a consumer. B2B companies have an entirely different target audience and offer products, raw materials, services, or consultations that many businesses need to operate, grow, and profit.
Bridging the Missing Gap
Founded in July 2019, Mozii has created an online B2B marketplace that uses the power of technology, data, and machine learning to connect other organizations all in one place. Manufacturers and wholesaler information are put together under one umbrella. With Mozii, sourcing has never been easier. Every conceivable product for buyers is easy to find.
Mozii allows for businesses to reach a significant new audience of quality independent stores which would have previously remained unknown to most. Prior to the existence of Mozii, finding these smaller independent stores was impossible and the B2B supply chain was dominated by multi-billion dollar enterprises. Mozii allows for businesses, regardless of size, to connect with one another, expand beyond their traditional footprint, and level the playing field for both multi-billion dollar enterprises and the small local businesses found around the country.
Mozii currently has; digital platforms and tools that support ecommerce functions and a B2B marketplace where orders and transactions are entirely online, bringing the once archaic B2B sales process that took months into a simplified and streamlined transaction process that takes minutes.
Mozii deploys modern technologies using matching algorithms, clean and simple user experiences, and transparent and simple pricing schemes for both vendors and buyers alike on the site. Mozii continues to grow and adapt their website to the ever-changing field of e-commerce and will kick-off their launch by exhibiting at CES and predicts meteoric growth in FY2022.
Hyung Sy
Mozii Group Inc.